
CBMI was invited Interview on United Nations Sustainable Development

Release time:2016-03-25 14:05:34

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Vice President, Ms Hu Zhijuan Introduce Enterprise Social Responsibility 

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Communicate with research analysts from  Global Compact Chinese Organization & American Columbia University.

At the invitation of the United Nations Global Compact Chinese Network Organization, CBMI Construction Co. Ltd ( CBMI) authorized Ms. Hu Zhijuan, the Vice President of CBMI, to take part in the activity of “United Nation Sustainable Development Target Interview”,  which was collaborated by United Nations Global Compact & American Columbia University. In the morning, 22nd Mar, 2016, Ms. Hu Zhijuan accepted the interview made by research analysts from Global Compact Chinese Organization & American Columbia University.

The aim of this activity is to know the recognition of the members on the sustainable development target, and also the capability of those members adjusting the strategy of the sustainable development target, helping the United Union Global Compact individual country’s internet to push the recognition and practice on the sustainable development, providing the reference which are compliance with local actual situation.

Based on the interview outline and site question, Ms. Hu Zhijuan introduced the business situation of CBMI, the understanding of CBMI on the target of United Union Sustainable Development and 10-basic principles, 10-basic-principles of global compact performed by CBMI overseas projects, millennium development goals, the achievement by CBMI on enterprise social liability, the opportunity of CBMI to join in united union global compact( Chinese internet), and the help to CBMI from the platform of global compact, the help by CBMI on the social responsibility & sustainable development through its annual social responsibility report, the main motivation of CBMI performing enterprise social responsibility, the resource and help expected to be acquired by CBMI from global compact( Chinese internet) etc. Ms. Hu mainly introduced the efforts and achievements made by CBMI on energy-saving & exhaust-eliminating and green environment protection. Ms. Hu made deep analysis on global compact 10-basic-principles, millennium development goals, social liability based on the typical example recently in Bulgaria DENYA project. She also pointed out her own opinion of CBMI pushing the process of realizing United Union Sustainable Target, she expressed CBMI would integrate the development situation, and use more creative practical technique to service industry, and take more action to support the Untied Union Sustainable Developed Target.

Through this interview, which deepen the recognition of CBMI on United Union Sustainable Developed Target, and push the commutation between CBMI and Global Compact Organization, and settle the foundation for CBMI on further action involved with Global Compact.

Since 2005, CBMI joined the Global Compact, as the member of United Union Global Compact & Global Compact Chinese Internet, CBMI performed its enterprise social responsibility based on involved stipulation, and keep its commitment on those 10 abroad countries’ constructions, and contribute to those projects abroad located countries on economy development and environment protection.